Million Dollar bill - This is our favorite tract. It is the #1 eye catcher and makes for a great way to transition into sharing the gospel verbally. We stand where people are walking and say "did you get one of these yet". Most people say, "no, but I'd like one". Many will walk away reading it and some will ask what it is. And if so, we ask them what the million $ question is "where will you spend eternity ?".

Giant Money - We use this as a backup tract. In other words, we hand out the smaller million $ tracts, but when a person says "I can't read the writing on it", we give them the giant version. It always brings a smile to their face.

Gospel comic tract - The message on this comic tract is a solid gospel message. This is great to give a friend or family member or great to just leave on a park bench.

Pressed Pennies - This is one of Dea's favorite tracts. The coin contains the ten commandments. As you hand this neat gift to a person, you tell them it has the ten commandments written on it. They love getting this, and usually accept it as a gift. You can start a conversation by asking them, "how many of the ten commandments can you name ?". Then eventually ask them if they have kept them. And that will lead to sharing the Gospel.

Curved Illsion - This tract is great for kids. You show these two colored cards side by side and ask which looks bigger. They will pick the inside card (ie Blue card). But then you switch the positions of the cards and then ask again. They will now say "the red card". The fact is that both cards are the same size, but because of their curved shape, they look different. You then give them the cards - the gospel is clearly written on them.

Why Christianity booklet - We give these tracts to people after we have shared the gospel to them. It provides a solid gospel message and also clearly explains the difference between being a born again believer in Jesus and all other world-religions

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