Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What is "The Way of the Master"?

So far this new blog contains a majority of information gathered from the Way of the Master ministry. And that is because this ministry is what encouraged and equipped us to get active in sharing the Gospel to the local community.

The Way of the Master (WOTM) is a ministry started by Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron. It is called "way of the Master" because the method of sharing the Gospel is taken from scripture in the way our Master (Jesus) shared the Gospel. Read how Jesus talked with the women at the well or the rich young ruler. In both these examples, Jesus confronted their sin in order to show them their desperate need for a savior.

People, by their fallen human nature, believe that they are "good people". But in order to truly realize the need for a savior, they must first come to the understanding that because of their wickedness in sin they are in desperate need of a savior in order to avoid the wrath of God to come.

If someone came up to you on the street and said "I have great news for you. There is a cure for your sickness." You would think, "what? I'm not sick. Why do I need a cure?" But if someone came up to you and pointed out a specific sickness that you had and even showed it to you in a mirror, then the need for a cure would be welcomed and appreciated. In the same way, we must use the 10 commandments as a mirror to show people their sin nature and therefore their need for a savior.

Many Christians are afraid to share their faith because they are not sure that they can handle a debate with in evolutionist or a Muslim. But the fact is that all people have been given a conscience (Bible says, God wrote the law on our hearts). And if we speak to their heart or conscience, the discussion will be much easier and more effective.

So, the "method" of our Master is the following:
1. Take them to the 10 commandments in order for the person to see their true nature
2. Show them in scripture what the penalty or debt for those sins (wrath of God and eternity in hell)
3. Tell them the GOOD NEWS / the Gospel, that Jesus provided a means (His blood) for sinners to be able to enter heaven and live with Him forever

That's it. We are not to be salesman, attempting to convince them into a prayer of salvation. Our role is to proclaim the truth (the title of this blog). And the Holy Spirit's role is to convert them. So even handing them a tract is a way of proclaiming the truth of the Gospel.


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