So how can AIG help with our evangelism? Some use it as an evangelism tool as is, and that is fine. However, for me, I see AIG, not so much of a ministry to the lost, but a ministry for Christians. Many Christians are afraid to talk Biblical things with the lost because of the fear of getting into a debate about creation vs. evolution.
Now, if you have read my previous posts, the best strategy is to avoid the debating and rather talk to their conscience (using the 10 commandments to help a person to see their sin and therefore need for a savior). BUT, as we are told in James, we are to be ready to give an answer.
So AIG has helped equip Christians with the knowledge of how science is really not competing with the creation account, but that, when done accurately and honestly, science supports God's Word 100%. In fact, God created science.
AIG demonstrates multitudes of evidence that supports that God created the universe only 6,000+- years ago. For example, Comets (like Haley's comet) are constantly loosing ice as they pass by the sun. But if that were going on for billions of years, we shouldn't see any more left. The moon is slowly moving away from the earth at a consistent rate of apx 4cm per year. If you multiply that by 6,000 years - not very significant, but when multiplying that by 4.5 billion years - we have a mathematical problem. Also, our seas are consistently getting saltier, but going back thousands of years - not significant, but billions of years - doesn't make sense. There are hundreds if not thousands of examples like this. Check out their site
If someone asks, "can you prove that God exists"? Ask them to look over at a tall building, and ask "do you believe that this building had a builder"? Or ask if a painting had a painter? In the same way creation is absolute evidence that there was a Creator.
But our knowledge of Biblical creation is a faith (based on God's Word). We do have a lot of evidence - but it is not proof. But the evolutionist can't prove the Big Bang either. Both are faiths. So tell them "why would I want to accept another faith, I already have my own, based on God's Word and God was the only one there when it all started".
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