Thursday, December 18, 2008

Plant a Seed...Give a Tract

During this busy Christmas season there are countless opportunitues to give out gospel tracts. The one I am giving out the most right now is "A Gift For You" tract available at
I went to the bank and got a bunch of $2.oo bills and placed one inside each tract. I hand them out to waiters, clerks, etc... as I run around town buying presents. Just last night we were at several stores and I think I gave out 4 or 5 of these tracts. It is fun to see the people's expression when you tell them you are giving them real money! The people always look a little baffled and surprised, yet they respond with delight and thankfulness. Only one person last night kindly rejected my gift saying she was not aloud to accept it while "on the clock".

See what the tract looks like below.

Inside view:

outside view:

And don't forget about the million dollar bill tract. It is always fun to give out. When we were at dinner last night I couldn't help but notice a birthday celebration going on at the table beside us. It was really obvious when about 10 waiters paraded to the table singing a very loud happy birthday song. :) Daniel said, "We should give her a million dollars" Great idea, Daniel! So when the birthday "girl" (she looked to be in her 40's) got up to leave I jumped up to give her our gift...a million dollars! She was delighted and even gave me a hug.
Wow! This really makes Christmas shopping and even dinner much more meaningful! We went to bed last night thankful for the opportunities we had to plant a seed, and spread the gospel message. We prayed for those who recieved the message of truth. May God use it for His glory!
I would encourage you to plant the seed of the gospel as you hustle and bustle around town. Opportunities are everywhere!!

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