Friday, August 21, 2009

Using Common Sense to Debunk Evolution

Just using common sense alone can debunk evolution. To believe that something came from absolutely nothing is not even reasonable.

When you look at your car in the garage (Ford), is it reasonable to think that it just formed there by random chance? Of course not. When you see a building, you know there must have been a builder. A painting is proof that there must have been a painter. Well, same for creation - there must be a Creator, and He is God, and He will bring judgement against all sinners (that's us).

But it is not wise to debate an evolutionist or an atheist, because Romans 1 says that they have rejected the truth of the creator. In other words, they know what is reasonable, but reject it and choose another faith. Faith that something came from nothing.

Instead, speak to their conscience, rather then their intellect. Using the 10 commandments to bring them to the understanding of their sin and their standing before the Creator of the universe. And the Creator, God, promises to punish all sin. Only because the sacrifice of Jesus Christ can one be forgiven of their sin, and therefore able to live for eternity with Christ in heaven vs hell.

Here is a short video of Ray Comfort with Way of The Master, talking about this very subject.


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